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December 2022 Sermons

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Love of Christmas, 25 Dec 2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Hope of Christmas" 18Dec2022 - Leong Shian Loong
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Sermon "Peace of Christmas" 11 Dec 2022 - Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
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Sermon "Joy of Christmas"| 4Dec2022 - Pr Phua Seng Tiong
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November 2022 Sermons

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"The Time Has Come In Discipleship Missions" | 27Nov2022 - Rev Thomas Chin
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Sermon "Submission to God" | 20Nov22 - Dr Ng Oon-Ee
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Sermon "Worship" | 13 Nov 2022 - Chen Su-Ai
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Sermon "Deja Vu" | 6 Nov 2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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October 2022 Sermons

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Sermon - Restored, Redeemed, Real Faith | 30Oct22 - Rev David Loo
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Sermon "Consumer Christian"| 23Oct2022 - Jory Leong
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Sermon "Do Not Worry" | 16Oct2022 - Pr Ko Hui Earn
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Sermon "Fruit of the Spirit" | 9 Oct 2022 - Rev Dr Ng Kok Moi
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Sermon "Work & Vocation"| 2Oct2022 - Koh Earn Soo
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September 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "The Unarticulated Prayer", 25Sep2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Jesus and the Twelve", 11Sept2022 - Goh Poh Gaik
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Sermon "Who is Served? Who to Serve?", 18Sep2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Here I Am", 4 Sept2022 - Rev Joshua Hong
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August 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Identity", 28 Aug 2022 - Jory Leong
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Sermon "Which is easier to say..." 14Aug2022 - Koh Chien Aun
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Sermon "The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away", 7Aug2022 - Rev Ong Hwa Teik
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July 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Convictions", 31Jul2022 - Koh Earn Soo
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Sermon "Believe, Belong, Become", 24Jul2022 - Henry Wong
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Sermon "The Covenant, The Called, The Committed",, 10July2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Discipling the Next Generation", | 17July2022 - Victor Peh
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Sermon "Are We Ready for Jesus?", 3 July 2022 - Dr Lim Kean Ghee
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June 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "The Gospel - The Transforming Message" , 26Jun202 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Family Commitment as a Discipling Center" 19Jun2022 - Dr Herbet Tan
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Sermon "Re Imagine - Roadmap & Signposts", 12 June 2022s - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Treading oh High Places", Hab 3 | 5 June 2022 - Rev Hwa Yung
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May 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Church & Mis", 29 May 2022 - Dr David Dong
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Sermon "Chosen on a Journey with a Message", 22May22 - Henry Cheah
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Sermon "The Unknown Made Known", Acts 17, 15 May 2022 - Guest Speaker
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Mother's Day Special Panel Interview - Edward Ong, Heather Liew, Hui Earn & Joel Lim
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Sermon "Angels Unaware", 1May2022 - Rev David Loo
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April 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Give Us a New Heart", 24Apr2022 - Randy Singkee
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Easter Sermon "What if...?", 17Apr2022 - Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
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Sermon "The King Nobody Wanted", 10Apr2022 - Dr Lim Khean Ghee
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Sermon "Go and Do", 3 Apr 2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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March 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "The Great Commission, Revisited", 27Mar2022 - Dr Tan Soo Inn
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Sermon "It's Ok Not to Be OK", 20Mar2022 - Jory Leong
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Sermon "Celebrating The Generations Pt 2. 13Mar2022" - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Watchmen in the Nation" 6Mar2022 - Rev Hwa Yung
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February 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Celebrating the Generations Pt1", 27Feb2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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Sermon "Drawing Near to God" Ps84, 20Feb22 - Koh Earn Soo
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Sermon "Jesus Christ is Lord", 13Jan2022 - Ps Robin Liew
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Sermon "Take My Yoke upon you and Learn from Me", 6Feb2022 - Bishop Joshua Khong
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January 2022 Sermons

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Sermon "Running the Race with Endurance", 30Jan22 - Ps Phua Seng Tiong
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Sermon "The Threshing Floor", 23 Jan 2022 - Henry Wong
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Sermon "Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples" Pt2 16Jan22 - Ps Robin Liew
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Sermon "Love God Love People Make Disciples" 9Jan22 Pt1 - Ps Robin Liew
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Sermon "Recognising, Honoring & Building on the Past", 2Jan2022 - Ps Robin Liew
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December 2021 Sermons

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Sermon "Lessons from the Magi", 26Dec2021 - Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
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Sermon "The Light of Christmas", 24 Dec 2021 - Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
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Sermon "Emmanuel - God With Us", 19 Dec 2021 - Ps Phua Seng Tiong
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Sermon "Jesus is King Forever" Rev 11:15, 12 Dec 2021 - Ps Robin Liew
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Sermon "Jesus Wins", 5 Dec 2021 - Rev Dr Ng Kok Moi
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