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Sermon Videos (Q4 - Oct-Dec 2022)

(Note : Our Sunday Celebration Service videos have chapter markers on the video timeline at bottom of the respective screens. In addition there are clickable timestamps (looks like this 42:12) listed in the description box (click "show more") below the title under video window when you watch them on YouTube

You can use either options to navigate and to go directly to the segment you want to view eg the Sermon). However we encourage you to watch the full video to have a holistic worship experience which encompasses the praise/worship, intercession and sermon, etc especially if you are watching that video for the first time.

SSMC Christmas Celebration | 25 December 2022 
Sermon "Love of Christmas - What is Love?" by Pr Robin Liew

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Love of Christmas, 25 Dec 2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 18 December 2022 
Sermon "Sermon "I’ve got your back! …(A Message of Hope)" 

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Sermon "Hope of Christmas" 18Dec2022 - Leong Shian Loong
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SSMC Holy Communion Service  | 11 December 2022 
Sermon "Peace of Christmas" 
by Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming

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Sermon "Peace of Christmas" 11 Dec 2022 - Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
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SSMC Sunday Celebration Service  | 4 December 2022 
Sermon "Joy of Christmas" 
by Pr Phua Seng Tiong

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Sermom "Joy of Christmas"| 4Dec2022 - Pr Phua Seng Tiong
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SSMC Baptism & Membership Service  | 27 November 2022 
Sermon "Time has come in Discipleship Missions" 
by Rev Thomas Chin

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"The Time Has Come In Discipleship Missions" | 27Nov2022 - Rev Thomas Chin
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 20 November 2022 
Sermon "Submission to God" 
by Dr Ng Oon-Ee

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Sermon "Submission to God", 20Nov22 - Dr Ng Oon-Ee
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SSMC Communion Sunday Celebration | 13 November 2022 
Sermon "Worship" 
by Chen Si-Ai

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Sermon "Worship" | 13 Nov 2022 - Chen Su-Ai
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SSMC Communion Sunday Celebration | 6 November 2022 
Sermon "Deja Vu"   
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "Deja Vu" | 6 Nov 2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC MSF Sunday Celebration | 30 October 2022 
Sermon "Restored, Redeemed, Real Faith" Psalm 80:1-19 NIV  

by Rev David Loo

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Sermon - Restored, Redeemed, Real Faith | 30Oct22 - Rev David Loo
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 23 October 2022 
Sermon "Consumer Christian” (John 6: 8-14 , 6: 22-27)  
by Jory Leong

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Sermon "Consumer Christian", 23Oct2022 - Jory Leong
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 16 October 2022 
Sermon "Do Not Worry” (Luke 12:22-34 )  
by Pr Ko Hui Earn

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Sermon "Do Not Worry" 16Oct2022 - Pr Ko Hui Earn
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 9 October 2022 
Sermon "Fruit of the Spirit” (Gal 5:16-25 )  
by Rev Dr Ng Kok Moi

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Sermon "Fruit of the Spirit" 9 Oct 2022 - Rev Dr Ng Kok Moi
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 2 October 2022 
Sermon "Work & Vocation?” (2 Thess 3:6-15)
by Koh Earn Soo

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Sermon "Work & Vocation" 2Oct2022 - Koh Earn Soo
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 25 September 2022 
Sermon "The Unarticulated Prayer?” (Matt 6:9-13)
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "The Unarticulated Prayer" 25Sep2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 18 September 2022 
Sermon "Who is Served? Who to Serve?” (Matt 25)
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "Who is Served? Who to Serve?", 18Sep2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 11 September 2022 
Sermon "Jesus and the Twelve” (Luke 6:12-16, 9:1-6)
by Goh Poh Gaik

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Sermon "Jesus and the Twelve", 11Sept2022 - Goh Poh Gaik
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 4 September 2022 
Sermon "Here I Am” (Isaiah 6:1-8)  
by Rev Joshua Hong

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Sermon "Here I Am", 4 Sept2022 - Rev Joshua Hong
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 28August 2022 
Sermon "Identity” (Exodus 1-3) 
by Jory Leong

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"Sermon "Identity", 28 Aug 2022 - Jory Leong
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 14 August 2022 
Sermon "“Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you’, or to say, ‘Rise and walk’”?" (Luke 5:21-26) 
by Koh Chien Aun

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Sermon "Which is easier to say...", 14Aug2022 - Koh Chien Aun
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 7 August 2022 
Sermon "The Lord gave, The Lord has taken away :
The Agony that Worships" (Job 1:12-22) 
by Rev Ong Hwai Teik

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Sermon "The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away", 7Aug2022 - Rev Ong Hwa Teik
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 31 July 2022 
Sermon "Convictions" 
by Koh Earn Soo

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Sermon "Convictions" 31Jul2022 - Koh Earn Soo
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 24 July 2022 
Sermon "Believe, Belong. Become" 
by Henry Wong

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Sermon "Believe, Belong, Become", 24Jul2022 - Henry Wong
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SSMC Youth Sunday Celebration | 17 July 2022 
Sermon "Discipling the Next Generation" 
by Victor Peh

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Sermon "Discipling the Next Generation", | 17July2022 - Victor Peh
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 10 July 2022 
Sermon "The Covenant, The Called, The Committed"
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "The Covenant, The Called, The Committed", 10July2022 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Sunday Celebration | 3 July 2022 
Sermon "Are We Ready for the Lord?" 
by Dr Lim Kean Ghee

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Sermon "Are We Ready for Jesus?", 3 July 2022 - Dr Lim Kean Ghee
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SSMC Sunday Celebration |26 June 2022 
Sermon "The Gospel - The Transforming Message" 
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "The Gospel - The Transforming Message", 26Jun202 - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Father's Day Celebration |19 June 2022 
Sermon "Family Commitment to Discipling Center" 
by Dr Herbert Tan 

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Sermon "Family Commitment as a Discipling Center", - Dr Herbet Tan, 19Jun2022
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SSMC Sunday Celebration |12 June 2022 
Sermon "ReImagine - Roadmap & Signposts "
by Pr Robin Liew

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Sermon "Re Imagine - Roadmap & Signposts", 12 June 2022s - Pr Robin Liew
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SSMC Holy Communion Sunday Celebration |5 June 2022 
Sermon "Treading on Higher Grounds" 
by Rev Hwa Yung

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Sermon "Treading oh High Places", Hab 3 | 5 June 2022 - Rev Hwa Yung
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